Our story

Hi, I'm Shaina, founder of Hathor Tallow! After years battling different medical issues I decided to go on a journey to reclaim my health. On this journey I learned that women are exposed to a battery of toxic chemicals through the skin-care products we use which disrupt our endocrine system. On the other hand, the “natural” skin-care products available either had a long list of mystery ingredients or they didn’t feel like they were penetrating my skin’s thirst for moisture. I went looking for answers and discovered that many of my most trusted health advisors were endorsing beef tallow as the only product they trusted for moisturizing their skin. Already aware of the health benefits of beef tallow, I decided to make some myself and instantly fell in love. 

I’ve been experimenting with different skin creams my whole life trying to find the one that gives me that deep hydration I needed. I immediately started sharing it with friends and family to make sure it wasn’t just me, and everyone I shared it with became instant converts. I knew then that this would be a wonderful thing to share with my wider community, so I decided to start a business. With the help of my two children, Hathor Tallow was born!